In this day and age everyone has their own agenda. Unfortunately, all these agendas do not benefit everyone. Our current politicians come to mind first; they seem to be helping no one but themselves. This is also true for most other large organizations, churches, states, and even countries. Will there ever be a way to escape all the private agendas and greed in this world…well, maybe.
I picked up a copy of the Wall Street Journal one day and as I read the story of a writer, the answer to all our problems seemed to be right there on the page. It was quite a long article but I’ll quickly give you the main points.
Paulo Coelho is a 66 year old Brazilian writer. Paulo has sold more than 165 million books, has a net worth of 535 million, and does his own promotion. How can he be so successful promoting himself and how does all this tie in? Well, let’s just say he has being kind and social media figured out pretty well. He has a tremendous following on Twitter with more than 9 million followers and 25.6 million followers on Facebook. This doesn’t even include the other outlets he uses such as Instagram, Tumblr, and so on.
So what is his trick to achieving such a following? The answer is so simple yet so hard for many to grasp. Paulo Coelho is nice to his fans. His daily routine includes interacting with and giving a kind word to at least 30 new people a day. Talk about living the “pay it forward,” lifestyle; this man has it down cold and it works.
Just imagine if this attitude works so well for Paulo, what would our nation be like if we all followed his example? We might not all become multi-millionaires but just think of the wave of happiness that would spread across the land.
535 million just from being nice…makes ya think huh. Have a great day-Lowell Henderson