Friday, October 16, 2020

Is Trump Really Leading the Polls?


For some of you this article may at first confuse you. For others, by now you have already commented and moved on. For those of you that actually take time to read the blog, instead of quickly commenting on the title, you will realize the title has nothing to do with the article. This has become a problem across our social network society.


We as a collective mind tend to scroll down until something piques our interest. But adults with childlike attention spans are only held captive for mere moments before we are off to the scrolling races again. Most often ignorantly commenting, liking, hearting, or angry facing an article or blog without having a clue what the writer said.


Taking time to read what is spread before you, gives you a true subject to comment on. The title is nothing more than a means to get your attention. You may or may not like what the writer has said but you will at least be able to make a comment on the subject at hand. Comments that have nothing to do with what has been written really bring out the ignorance of the times that we live in.


Hey, it will be ok. It’s just another day. Peace out.