“Just one foot in front of the other, and soon you’ll be walking out the door.” Many of you will recognize that line from the old “Frosty the Snowman” song. After all these years it is still a good line and still a good song. It is also the very thing we Americans will have to do to move this nation forward.
Along with
the rest of the world, the year 2020 has been hard on us. Just as 9/11 hit us
hard, 2020 hit us harder. While 9/11 brought us together, “One nation under God.”
The year 2020 divided us to the brink of civil war. Once again brother against
brother fight over difference of opinion. Many have no idea what they are even fighting
for at all. Citizens so spoiled and entitled no longer believe they live in the
greatest nation on earth. I am not sure just where they think they will go to
find a better nation, or where they will have it better.
Many are
hell bent on changing our great nation drastically in order to suit their own
wants and needs. Unfortunately, a perfect nation is not possible, never has
been. There will always be the “Haves and have nots.” There will always be
people of color, and there will always be rich and poor. This is true of every
nation on this planet. How will this be fixed or even made better? This
question we have pondered forever.
The “Pay it forward” idea comes to mind. One random act of kindness leads to another. Just one little step at a time. One smile, one prayer, one meal, one hug. Just put one foot in front of the other.