Its Saturday
morning here in beautiful rural, small town, Alabama. With coffee in hand I
walk my dog with my weird ass cat following. As I look around my neighborhood,
I realize we are a fairly, diverse area. Not only do we have Hispanics, blacks,
and whites all living next door to each other we have much more diversity than
On my walk I pass by the rich man’s house, a possible crack house, a red neck’s house, a few middle class households, and some college age kids house. All these different people, lifestyles, races, and cultures…living together. What I see on my morning stroll would amaze some people in this country. They are all doing normal American things. Some are washing their cars, one working on a car, some doing yard work, one gathering tomatoes, and the kicker, all being neighbors.
Here in our
neighborhood I have noticed that we still wave at each other as we pass or from
across the street. We check on each other during emergencies (such as fires or
bad weather.) Sure, we still bitch occasionally, but about normal things like
teenagers driving too fast up and down the street or dogs in the trash. Is it
some sort of privilege to live in our hood. Damn right it is. But, anyone with
the right qualifications could live here too.
If you want to live here or a place like ours here is what you have to do. Respect your neighbors, be nice and polite, and simply treat each other as you would like to be treated. The rest seems to work itself out all by itself.
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