Friday, January 22, 2021

Walking my dog


Walking my dog tonight I couldn’t help but notice the sky was crystal clear. The half moon was shinning and was bright enough to light our way. And…the air temp was still in the lower fifties. That is pretty, awesome, for the last part of January here in northern Alabama.


While many like me will agree we are blessed to have warm spells during our winter months, others will likely produce a conspiracy theory of why we shouldn't be happy about this. There are those that will attribute this to climate change and that we need to begin to put all our houses on stilts because we are about to be flooded. Others I’m sure will say that Trump set up the good weather just as he was leaving office.


While to me and most Americans with a little common sense all this seems far, fetched, and ridiculous. Millions of people all across our nation believe in stupid crap like this. This is what the social media generation has become. Our news is coming from writers that make a living from fueling what ever side of the public they can get a rise out of. Many believe “Memes” are real.” Surely none of my readers actually believe Bernie Sanders was spotted on Inland lake today in a bass boat. Well, in his defense if he was it probably the best thing he’s done in a really long time.


I truly hope that 2021 will be a better more productive year than the last one. We need to become a nation that does smart things again. Elon Musk can’t do it all by himself. If you think our system is broken then lend a hand to fix it. Lending a hand to fix it doesn’t mean bitching about it online, constantly posting about the political party you don’t like, or trashing cities. You want to make a difference, find productive things to focus and work on. Otherwise, you’re just part of the problem.


I personally think the beautiful Alabama weather is simply because we live in the south and we have warm spells during the winter. RIP Eddie Van Halen, 2020 sucked and we missed you. PS. Say hello to Neil Peart for us.