Sunday, March 29, 2020

Times are changing...You are not alone

The COVID-19 virus has caused wholesale changes to not only us here in America, but, all over the world as well. How we interact with one another, how we shop, and even what we spend our money on has been altered.

While the larger corporations will adapt and move on many small businesses will fail and fall by the wayside. Being a small business owner, I too will have to restructure my business in hopes to survive. Surviving being the key at this stage in the game.

However, there are those that will prosper during this time of crisis. Someone that hasn’t been decimated by the COVID-19 virus and still has money to invest can do quite well in this down market. Stocks are down temporarily but they will recover. For those with the right mindset, this will only be a little bump in the road and a chance to make a lot of money by investing in strong companies that will bounce back stronger than ever.

The key to many things right now is not to panic. This holds true both at home and in the marketplace. If you freak out like the multitude of toilet paper buyers, you aren’t yet in the right mindset.
If you take this situation seriously but calmly, like the ones that realize the grocery stores are still being stocked you might just get through this in good shape. There is light at the end of the tunnel, we’re just going to have to hold on a little while in order to see it. My thoughts and prayers to all that are suffering right now. I hope you like my blogs approach to things. If you do please fell free to follow it, like it, and share it with friends.